When adult films of the '70's made their way back into the mainstream of popular culture, Radley Metzger most definitely holds his regard as the finest adult filmmaker ever. My first encounter with Metzger's work was "...展开The Opening of Misty Beethoven" which, as a boy looking through a friend's parents' videos, was far more than I'd expected. Years later, I was happy to view "The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann," which, aside from the pornographic content, I found totally engrossing. I admit being completely shocked by the surprise ending!
Maybe it's the recent admiration of independent film that has made the acting in Radley's movies seem so much better, but his camera work is unsurpassed in his field. Beautifully shot, well acted smut, which borders on proving itself as "erotica!" Yeah for Radley Metzger!